Page 126 - Applied Buddhism
P. 126

Furthermore, in a globalised world, a minority in one country may                 oneself. The Buddha even went to the extent of saying that, “Just
           be the majority in another country. Sidelining or marginalising a                 like a goldsmith would test gold under fire, so you should test my
           minority religion may lead to retaliation from somewhere else.                    teaching in the same way.”

               In the promotion of religious freedom and democracy, the                          In the Kālāma Sutta, or the Charter of Free Inquiry, it is
           author mentioned that, “without denying that ideas outside religion               mentioned that one should not accept a teaching simply because:
           can play a valuable and perhaps necessary role in nudging religious                   Others mention it,
           traditions  and communities  toward  a healthy  respect  for liberty
           and toleration, there is also a powerful religious case for religious                 It is in the legends or traditions,
           freedom.”  I agree  with  the  statement,  especially in  reference  to               It is rumored,
                                                                                                 It is found in the scriptures,
               In the case of Buddhism, the fundamental belief is founded                        It is in accord with your logical analysis,
           on the premise that man is the most important being on earth as he
           has the ability to determine his own destiny and achieve liberation                   It is in accord with your reasoning,
           by himself.   The late  Ven. Yin Shun of  Taiwan mentioned  that                      It appears to be true, it is possible
           Buddhism is humanistic in nature.
                                                                                                 It agrees with your preconceived notion,

                  The Buddha also taught that man is empowered with three                        Or the thought that this is the teaching of our teacher,
           superiorities, namely, powerful memory, courageous will, and the                      Or it is from so and so who is an authority.
           ability to live a moral and religious way of life. Man has dignity,
           and this makes him act responsibly to himself, his fellow sentient                    Only when you know it for yourself, ‘These qualities  are
           beings, and the environment.                                                      unskillful;  these  qualities  are  blameworthy;  these qualities  are

                                                                                             criticised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out,
               In Dhammapada, verse 1, it is mentioned that the mind is the                  lead to harm & to suffering’ — then you should abandon them.”
           forerunner of all things. It is man’s mind that determines his destiny
           and achievement (In Pāli, mind is manu. A human being is thus                         The key word here is “Only when you know it for yourself”,
           called a “manussa”, meaning a being with a mind).
                                                                                             meaning “sanditthiko,  akāliko” – experienced  and realised by
               Of the six virtues of the Dharma, one of them is ehi-pasiko,
           meaning to “come and see”, or to investigate the truth. There is                      The above brief description provides ample evidence to show
           no demand for blind faith but only the liberty to see the truth for

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