Page 26 - Applied Buddhism
P. 26

The fact that some Buddhist devotees expressed to me (because
                                                                                             I was a member of the organising committee) their displeasure over
            Monks                               it unacceptable for monks                    this kind of behaviour implied two things: firstly, these devotees who
                                                Lay people normally find
                                                                                             were from Kuala Lumpur were not aware of the fact that smoking
            and Tobacco                         to smoke. They generally                     was common amongst monks of the Thai tradition residing mostly
                                                                                             in the northern part of Malaysia (in the states of Perlis, Kedah and
                                                 cannot understand how
            Consumption                         monks who are supposed                       Kelantan).    Secondly,  it  means  that  devotees  generally  find  the
                                                                                             behaviour unacceptable.
            – A Malaysian                      purification can indulge in a                     To further understand the scenario, one needs to understand
                                                  to live a simple life of
            Scenario                                    social vice.                         the  ethnic  composition  and  religious  affiliation  of  the  people  of

                                                                                                 Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-religious country of 22 million
                                                                                             people (based on population census of 2000). The Malays constitute
               In 1999, the Young Buddhist Foundation of Malaysia organised                  53 % of the population. By constitutional definition, all Malays are
           a Sanghika Dāna (offering of food to the Sangha) in a prestigious                 Muslims. The Chinese constitute 26 % of the population. 86.6 %
           convention centre in Kuala Lumpur. Immediately after the Dāna,                    of them are Buddhist-Taoist-Confucianists while 9.5% of them are
           monks were seen streaming into the toilet. Soon afterwards, smoke                 Christians. The Indians constitute 7.6 % of the population. 84% of
           was seen  emitting  from the  toilet.  Some  Buddhist  devotees  at               the Indians are Hindus, and 7.8% are Christians. The Kadazans of
           first  thought  there  was  a  fire,  but  they  soon  discovered,  to  their     Sabah and the Ibans of Sarawak are mostly Christians.
           displeasure,  that  the  smoke  came  from  about  30  monks  puffing
           away in the toilet.                                                                   Viewed  by  religious  affiliation,  one  would  notice  that  the

                                                                                             Muslims comprise mainly Malays and some natives of Sabah and
               There were about 400 monks present at the occasion. It means                  Sarawak. The Hindus are almost all lndians. The Christians are the
           that about 7% of the monks were smokers. Since there are only                     most multi-racial, comprising 64% lbans and Kadazans, and the
           about 800 monks and nuns in Malaysia, the above sample percentage                 rest Chinese and Indians.
           could well represent the population percentage.

                                                                                                 The case of interest here is that the Buddhists are almost all
               The 30 monks were all from the Thai Theravāda tradition and                   ethnic Chinese, and as many as 98% of them would be Buddhist-
           since there were about 250 of them present, it means that about                   Taoist-Confucianists.  Only a small percentage  of Buddhists in
           12% of the Thai Theravāda monks were smokers.                                     Malaysia are Thais and Sinhalese.

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