Page 96 - Applied Buddhism
P. 96

Christ and who ore happy in their faith community can without                         How do Buddhists response to such a threat? Firstly, Buddhists
           undue risk and with hope of positive fruit engage in interreligious               must be fully aware of the situation we are in.  Without such
           dialogue”.                                                                        awareness, Buddhists will continue  to indulge ourselves in self-
                                                                                             satisfaction thinking that Buddhism has progressed very well. Only
               “lt  is  therefore  important  for the  Church  in Asia  to  provide          when there is awareness will there be a will to act.
           suitable  models of inter-religious  dialogue  - evangelisation  in
           dialogue and dialogue for evangelisation - and suitable training for                  Furthermore, Buddhists must develop a comprehensive plan,
           those involved.”                                                                  which  is  based  on  the  Buddha  Dharma,  to  protect  the  Dharma
                                                                                             while avoiding unhealthy competition. In this way Buddhism will
               Above  extracted  from  Post-Synodal  Apostalic  Exhortation                  be offering a peaceful solution to the world. Such a plan should
           Ecclesia in Asia of the Holy Father John Paul ll to the Bishops,                  consider how to harness the power of the masses to contribute to
           Priests and Deacons, Men and Women in the Consecrated Life and                    the development of Buddhism; how to improve Buddhist out-reach
           all the Lay Faithful, On Jesus Christ the Savior and His Mission of               programs; how to support the weak and suppressed, and to ensure
           Love and Service in Asia: “... That They may have life, and have it               the availability  of human resources in all  critical areas, such as
           abundantly” (Jn l0:10)                                                            care for the terminally ill (an area where unscrupulous evangelists
                                                                                             actively target the terminally ill for conversion), and participation
               These statements clearly show that such so called dialogues are               in politics and mass communication.
           nothing more than a strategy to foster religious imperialism. When
           a religion is bent on converting every human being into its own
           faith, even to the extent of adopting unethical means, it is natural              (Paper  presented  at  the  Seminar on Counter  Evangelisation,  organised  by
           that  other religions  would not sit still.  This results in vigorous             the Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia on Jan 7, 2006 at Armada Hotel,
                                                                                             Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.)

               Such a competition has resulted in a cold war previously, and  to
           open confrontation today. It would eventually threaten world peace.
           When people try to convert others, it is not certain whether the new
           convert will enter heaven, but it is certain that hell is created on
           earth - the process of conversion brings about tremendous suffering
           to all parties concerned here on earth.

               What Do We Do?

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