Page 148 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 148

Medicinal plants (PG 101)                                        Level 1                              Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD

                                 Family Cruciferae                            Family Leguminosae

                                   “Brassicaceae”                                   “Fabaceae”

                  Distributed all over the world but are mainly    The second largest family.
                   concentrated in the north temperate region.               Distributed  all  over  the
                  Annual to perennial herbs, rarely small shrubs.            world.
                                                                            It includes more drugs than

                                                                              any other family.

                   Anatomical and Biochemical Features:

                     Anisocytic stomata.
                     Absence of calcium oxalate.
                     Presence  of  non-glandular  unicellular
                     Few genera have glandular trichomes.
                     Rich in thioglycosides & cardiac glycosides.

                Economic Importance:

                 Food Plants:                                             Food plants:

            1)  Cabbage: Brassica oleracea var. capitate.   بنركلا -  Bean: Vicia faba لوـــفلا
            2)  Cauliflower: B. oleracea var. botrytis.        طيبنرقلا    Green  Pea:  Pisum  sativum
            3)  Turnip: B. rapa                                                تفللا       هــلسبلا

            4)  Radish: Raphanus sativus.                             لجفلا  -  Clover:          Trifolium
                Rocket:Eruca sativa.                                    ريجرجلا  alexandrinum  مـــيسربلا

                Medicinal Plants:                                         Medicinal Plants:

            1)  Black mustard: Brassica nigra.                          Liquorice:           Glycyrrhiza

            2)  White mustard: B. alba.                                   glabra. سوــسقرــعلا

                                                                          Fenugreek:  Trigonella

                                                                          foenum-           graecum


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