Page 201 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 201

Medicinal plants (PG 101)                                        Level 1                              Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD

                                                        =  annual  growth  layers  (tree  rings).

                                                        - Wood = tracheids, vessel elements and fibers.

                         b. Cork cambium -->            -  During  secondary  growth,  epidermis  from
                         cork                           primary  growth  splits,  dries  and  falls  off  stem

                                                        -  Cells  in  outer  cortex  (outside  secondary
                                                        phloem)  become  meristematic  and  divide  to

                                                        form cork cells on outer perimeter; cork cells

                                                        deposit waxy material (= suberin) in their cell

                                                        walls,  then  die.  Cork  are  dead  cells.

                                                        -  Periderm  =  cork  cambium  +  cork;  replaces

                                                        epidermis, provides protection against pathogens,

                                                        waxy  walls  retard  water  loss  (bark  includes

                                                        periderm and phloem)

                                                     C. Plant Hormones

                  - As in animals, plant hormones = chemicals for communication

                  - Hormone = a chemical released from one cell that affects growth, development

                  of target cells which have appropriate receptors.

                  - Unlike animal, hormones that act on distant cells, plant hormones can act on

                  adjacent cells as well as distant ones- There are five known categories of plant


                   1. Auxins           - Produced by shoot apical meristem tissue.

                                       - Promotes cell elongation in stems, coleoptiles (= protective
                                       sheath covering monocot shoot during germination.

                                       - Promotes development of lateral roots, even at very low
                                       concentrations; may also participate in stem, root growth

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