Page 173 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 173

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                                                 RHIZOMA HYDRASTIS

              Hydrastis; Hydrastis Rhizome, Golden Seal, Yellow Root.

                     Hydrastis is the dried rhizome and roots of Hydrastis canadensis Linne
              (Fam. Ranunculaceae). Hydrastis contains not more than 4 %. of foreign organic
              matter and yields not less than 15 % of hydrastine.

                     Hydrastis canadensis Linne is a small herbaceous plant with perennial
              rhizome, widely distributed in world: in Canada and the eastern United Satate.
              The rhizomes and roots are collected in the autumn, washed, cleaned, and then
              dried on a clean dry floor or in partial shade, protected from rain, outside. They
              are kept in loose masses until marketed, to prevent mold attack.

              Macroscopical Characters
                     Rhizomes:  Small, horizontal or oblique, sub-cylindrical, tortuous, I-6 cm.
              long, 2-12 mm. thick, externally, yellowish-brown to grayish-brown, longit-udinally
              wrinkled  and  marked  by  encircling  scale-leaf  scars,  frequent  short,  upright
              branches terminated by cup-shaped scars of aerial stems, and numerous brittle
              curved roots or their short remains or their circular yellow  scars especially on
              the  lateral  and  ventral  surfaces,  fracture,  short  and  resinous,  internally,  dark
              yellow  to'  dark  yellowish-brown,  showing  a  narrow  cortex,  and  a  ring  of
              separated vascular bundles surrounding a wide pith.

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