Page 360 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 360

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                  Constituents                yellow crystalline anthraquinone glycosides,                  Opium is a complex mixture of an active alkaloid
                                              barbaloin, resin, aloe-emodin (hydrolytic                    fraction (10-20%), together with sugars, protein,
                                              decomposition product of barbaloin).                         lipids and other gummy substances. The most
                                                                                                           important are 5 major alkaloids:
                                                                                                           •  Phenanthrane group:
                                                                                                               morphine, codeine and thebaine.
                                                                                                           •  Isoquinoline group:
                                                                                                           •   papaverine and noscapine (narcotine).
                  Uses                        •  Purgative (used in constipation as it improves the        Opium is used as a source of
                                                  digestion and does not lose its activity by              •  morphine (analgesic)
                                                  repetition).                                             •  codeine (cough sedative)
                                              •  treatment of burns, skin irritations and has emollient  •  papaverine (antispasmodic for smooth muscle).
                  Tests for Identity          0.5 g powder + 50 ml water → boil for 2-3 min → cool +
                                              kieselguhr → shake and filter
                                              → clear filtrate, the clear filtrate responds to the following tests for
                                              identification:                                              Ferric Chloride Test:
                                                                                                           (Meconic acid test):
                                              1-Borax test for anthranols:
                                              0.2 g borax + 5 mL filtrate → Dissolve by heating → transfer 5-10   5% Aqueous solution of FeCl3 to an alcoholic
                                              drops of this solution to a test tube nearly filled with water   extract of opium,
                                              green fluorescence Is produced due to the formation of       a brownish purple color Indicates the possible
                                              aloe-emodin anthranol liberated from barbaloin by            presence of opium.
                                              hydrolysis with borax

                                              2- Test for free anthraquinones:
                                              10 mL filtrate + 20 mL ether → shake 10 mL of ether layer with 10
                                              mL of diluted Soln
                                              of NH4OH
                                              A rose red color is produced in ammoniacal layer.
                                              3- Test for barbaloin (Bromine water test):
                                              1 mL filtrate + 1 mL bromine T.S
                                               pale yellow ppt. is formed

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