Page 384 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 384

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D


 Active   •   Glycerides of   •   Cetin: (Cetyl   •   Sterols: (46%).   •   Steroids: Cholesterol   •   1.4% volatile mass
 constituent   unsaturated (oleic,   palmitate,   •   Ambreine: (triterpene   Isocholesterol   (mainly a cyclic
    gadoleic, linolenic,   C 15H 31COO-   alcohol, 25-45%),   •   Unsaturated C 27   ketone, muskone)
 docosahexaenoic and   C 16H 33) mainly.   which is odorless in   alcohol: free or   •   Cholesterol, fat, resin, a
 clupanodonic) acids   •   Esters of cetyl   fresh state and   esterified with   bitter resinous
 Omega-3 FA (85%).   alcohol and other   gradually decomposed   (Lanoceric acid   substance.
 •   Glycerides of saturated   fatty acids.   to produce about 100   Lanopalmitic acid
 (myristic, palmitic, and   fragrant compounds:   Carnaubic acid
 stearic) acids   (Gamma-   Other fatty acids)
 •   Fat soluble   cyclogeranyl chlorideC
 Vitamins: Vit. D. (~ 100 IU/g)   AmbroxanCAlpha-
 + Vit. A (~   ambrinol)
 5000 IU/g)
 Uses   1.  Rickets and   1.  Manufacture of   1.  Restorative (3 %   1.  Manufacture of:   1.  Perfumery
 arthritis.   emollient   Tincture)   2.  Emollient creams   manufacture.
 2.  Decreases   ointments.   2.  Aphrodisiac   and ointment for dry skin.   2.  Diffusible
 Cardiovascular diseases   2.  Internally used as a   3.  In perfumery as a   3.  Soaps for sensitive skin.   stimulant in coma,
 and heart attacks.   demulcent in coughs   fixative.   4.  Lip balm to treat lip   depression and
 3.  General health nutrient.   (In the form of   4.  Flavor enhancer   chapping.   exhaustion.
 emulsion with egg      2.  It is also used as a raw     3.  Aphrodisiac (with
 yolk or                    material for                 coffee).
 gum acacia)               vitamin D3

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