Page 251 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 251

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                       an, annulation; b, bud; bk, bark; c, cambium; ck, cork; p, pith;
                       ph, phloem, sc, scar of a side root; w, wrinkles; xy, xylem.

                   A- Gentian root. T.S.; a, cortex; b, sieve tubes of phloem; e, companion
                       cell;  d,  cambium  e,  xylem  vessels;  f,  wood  parenchyma;  g.
                       interxylary phloem.
                   B- T. cut in xylem part; a, xylem vessels; b, wood parenchyma with
                       acicular crystals.
                     Powdered Gentian is light brown to yellowish-brown. It is characterized by:
                 1-  Abundant  fragments  of  thin  or  thick-walled  parenchyma,  with  minute
                     acicular crystals of Ca OX and oily globules.
                 2- Fragments of yellowish-brown cork cells.
                 3- Few reticulate and scalariform vessels, slightly lignified.
                 4- Numerous minute acicular crystals of calcium oxalate, 3-6 μ long, 0.5-1 μ
                 5- Occasional small starch granules.
                 6- Sclereids and fibers are absent.

              Test for Identity

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