Page 258 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 258
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
Powdered Rhatany root; 1, cork in surface view; 2, wood fibers with prisms
in the cells; 3,4, starch granules isolated and in cells; 5, wood
parenchyma; 6,7, wood elements; 8, isolated prisms
Tests for Identity
1- On micro-sublimation, powdered Rhatany root gives colorless droplets
which solidify after some time, giving alcohol non-polarizing aggregates; and with
FeC1 3 T. S., a faint red color.
2- Macerate about 0.5 gm of powdered Kramaria with 5cc alcohol for 12 hours,
with occasional shaking and filter. To the filtrate, add alc. lead acetate T. S., drop by
drop, till no more precipitate is formed and filter, both residue and filtrate possess a
red color (distinction from other Rhatany roots).
3- On diluting the tincture of Kramaria with water, it becomes cloudy
(distinction from Para Rhatany).
Up to 15% condensed (catechol) tannins, which are localized in the bark. On
prolonged storage the content decreases, owing to increasing condensation of the
tannins (conversion to insoluble phlobaphenes, so-called krameria red). Other
constituents: lipophilic benzofuran derivatives, starch, sugar, N-methyl-tyrosine,.