Page 307 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 307

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

              4-  lead sub-acetate test: To 5 ml of an aqueous solution of gum Arabic (1/50), add
                 1 ml of lead sub-acetate solution; a flocculent white precipitate is formed (c.f.
                 Gum Tragacanth).
              5-  Iodine  test:  To  1  g  of  powdered  gum  Arabic  add  1  ml  of  N/.50  iodine,  a
                 yellowish-brown colour is produced (c.f. Agar and Gum Tragacanth).

                     Acacia consists principally of Arabin which is a complex mixture of calcium,
              magnesium, and potassium salts of arabic acid. On hydrolysis, arabic acid yields 1
              molecule  of  L-rhamnose,  2  molecules  of  D-galactose,  and  3  molecules  of  L-
              arabinose and an aldobionic acid. Gum Arabic also contains diastase and oxidase
              enzymes, and hence readily turns powdered guaiacum resin, or the tincture diluted
              with water, blue.

                     It is used in medicine as a demulcent, and as suspending and emulsifying

                                                   Gum Tragacanth

               Syn.: Tragacanth; Tragacantha; Gummi Tragacanthae, Gum Dragon

                     Gum Tragacanth is the dried gummy exudation obtained by incision from
              Astragalus gummifer Labill., and some other Asiatic species of Astragalus (Fam.
              Leguminosae, Papilionoideae). It contains not more than 1 % of foreign organic

                     The plants are small, branching, thorny shrubs about a metre in height and
              are natives of southern and eastern Europe and, especially of Asiatic Turkey and
              Persia, where they form one of the most characteristic forms of vegetation.

                     When the stem is incised, the gum exudes and dries. The form that it assumes
              being dependent on the form of the incision. Vertical slits yielding flat, ribbon-

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