Page 346 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 346
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
1- Warm a small piece of Balsam of Tolu and press between 2 pieces of glass
and examine with a lens; scattered colorless crystals of cinnamic acid are seen
embedded in a transparent yellowish-brown resinous substance.
2- Effect of ferric chloride: To an alcoholic solution of Balsam of Tolu (1/20),
add few drops of ferric chloride T.S., a green color is produced.
3- Effect of potassium permanganate: Boil 1 g of Balsam of Tolu with 5 ml of
water, filter, add to the filtrate 3 ml of potassium permanganate T.S. and
warm; the odor of benzaldehyde is developed.
Balsam of Tolu contains from 75-80 % resin esters chiefly toluresinotannol
cinnamate with a small quantity of the benzoate; 7-8% volatile oil; 12-15 % free
cinnamic acid, 2-8 % free benzoic acid and vanillin.
Balsam of Tolu is used in certain pharmaceutical preparations (Compound
benzoin tincture); sometimes as expectorant. It is extensively used as a pleasant
flavouring in medicinal syrups, confectionery, chewing gum and perfumery.
Purified Storax
Syn.: Balsamum Styracis Depuratus; Styrax Preparatus; Prepared Storax.
Purified Storax is a balsam obtained from the wounded trunk of Liquid ambar
orientalis Miller (Fam. Hamamelidaceae), known in commerce as Levant Storax,
purified by dissolving in hot alcohol, filtering, and evaporating the solvent at low
temperature as possible. Purified Storax contains not less than 25 % w/w of total
balsa-mic acids. The balsam tree attains about 15 metres high. It grows in Asia
Levant Storax is a pathological product. Its formation is being induced by
bruising or puncturing the bark of the tree in early summer, which causes the
cambium to produce new wood with balsam-secreting ducts. In autumn, the bark
which is more or less saturated with balsam, is peeled off and the balsam recovered
by pressing. The bark is then boiled in hot water and again pressed. The balsam is
poured into casks or cans and is usually exported. It is then purified to give the
purified storax.