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Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

               Kidney Disease Programs

               Comprehensive Kidney Solution (CKS) program

               For Participants diagnosed with Kidney Disease, your Plan offers the Comprehensive Kidney Solution
               (CKS) program to help you manage the effects of advanced Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) through End-
               stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
               Should the disease progress to the point of needing dialysis, CKS provides access to top-performing
               dialysis centers. That means you will receive treatment based on a "best practices" approach from health
               care professionals with demonstrated expertise.

               There are hundreds of contracted dialysis centers across the country, but in situations where you cannot
               conveniently access a contracted dialysis center, CKS will work to negotiate patient-specific agreements
               on your behalf.

               To learn more about Comprehensive Kidney Solutions, visit or
               call the number on your ID card.

               Coverage for dialysis and kidney-related services are based on your health plan's terms, exclusions,
               limitations and conditions, including the plan's eligibility requirements and coverage guidelines.
               Participation in this program is voluntary. If you decide to no longer participate in the program, please
               contact CKS of your decision.

               Kidney Resource Services program (KRS) program
               End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
               The Kidney Resource Services program provides Covered Persons with access to a registered nurse
               advocate who specializes in helping individuals live with kidney disease. As a participant in the KRS
               program, you'll work with a nurse who will provide you with support and information. The nurse can help
               you manage other conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. He or she can also help you find
               doctors, specialists and dialysis centers. This program is available at no extra cost to you.

               With KRS, you have access to a registered nurse who specializes in kidney health. This program is
               designed to help you be your own best advocate for your health. You may have been referred to the KRS
               program by your medical provider or from past claim information. As part of your health insurance
               benefits, it's available at no extra cost to you.
               KRS nurse advocates are available, Monday through Friday toll-free at 1-866-561-7518 (TTY: 711).

               Coverage for dialysis and kidney-related services are based on your health plan's terms, exclusions,
               limitations and conditions, including the plan's eligibility requirements and coverage guidelines.
               Participation in this program is voluntary.

               Spine and Joint Solutions (SJS) Program

               The Spine and Joint Solution is a surgical program that provides access to top-performing, regional
               surgical centers for individuals who meet the criteria for select elective, inpatient surgeries. When you
               contact the specialized nurse team and enroll in the SJS program the Plan pays Benefits for select
               elective, inpatient surgeries provided by Designated Providers participating in the SJS program. The
               specialized nurse team provides guided access to a network of credentialed SJS providers.
               To learn more about SJS, contact the Claims Administrator at the number on  your ID card.
               If you are considering any of the above surgeries you must contact SJS prior to surgery to enroll in the
               program in order for the surgery to be a considered a Covered Health Care Service under the Plan.

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