Page 77 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 77

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

                                   Section 4: When Coverage Ends

               General Information about When Coverage Ends

               As permitted by law, the Plan Sponsor may end the Plan and/or all similar benefit plans at any time for
               the reasons explained in the Plan.
               Your right to Benefits automatically ends on the date that coverage ends, even if you are hospitalized or
               are otherwise receiving medical treatment on that date.
               When your coverage ends, the Claims Administrator will still process Plan payments on claims for
               Covered Health Care Services that you received before the date your coverage ended. However, once
               your coverage ends, the Claims Administrator will not process Plan payments on claims for any health
               care services received after that date (even if the medical condition that is being treated occurred before
               the date your coverage ended).
               Unless otherwise stated, an Enrolled Dependent's coverage ends on the date the Participant's coverage

               What Events End Your Coverage?

               Coverage ends on the earliest of the dates specified below:

               •     The Entire Plan Ends
                     Your coverage ends on the date the Plan ends. In this event, the Plan Sponsor is responsible for
                     notifying you that your coverage has ended.
               •     You Are No Longer Eligible
                     Your coverage ends on the last day of the calendar month in which you are no longer eligible to be
                     a Participant or Enrolled Dependent. Please refer to Section 9: Defined Terms for definitions of the
                     terms "Eligible Person," "Participant," "Dependent" and "Enrolled Dependent."

               •     The Claims Administrator Receives Notice to End Coverage
                     The Plan Sponsor is responsible for providing the required notice to the Claims Administrator to
                     end your coverage. Your coverage ends on the last day of the calendar month in which the Claims
                     Administrator receives the required notice from the Plan Sponsor to end your coverage, or on the
                     date requested in the notice, if later.
               •     Participants Retires

                     The Plan Sponsor is responsible for providing the required notice to the Claims Administrator to
                     end your coverage. Your coverage ends the last day of the calendar month in which the Participant

               Fraud or Intentional Misrepresentation of a Material Fact

               The Plan will provide at least 30 days advance required notice to the Participant that coverage will end on
               the date identified in the notice because you committed an act, practice, or omission that constituted
               fraud, or an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact. Examples include knowingly providing
               incorrect information relating to another person's eligibility or status as a Dependent. You may appeal this
               decision during the notice period. The notice will contain information on how to appeal the decision.

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