Page 28 - 2022 Benefits Resource Guide
P. 28

COBRA continuation of benefits

                                                When medical, dental, & FSA coverage ends
                                                Your medical, dental, and/or flexible spending account benefit coverage
                                                will end on the earliest of the following dates:

                                                   ■    The last day of the calendar month in which you and/or your
                                                      dependent are no longer eligible
                                                   ■    The last day of the calendar month in which you are no longer
                                                      employed by Texas Mutual. Note: premium deductions for medical
                                                      and dental coverage, flexible spending account contributions, as
                                                      well as those for elected optional benefits, will be taken for the
                                                      full month in which employment ends.
                                                   ■    The date Texas Mutual terminates the benefits as described in
                                                      this Resource Guide

                                                Employees & qualified beneficiaries notice requirements
                                                To preserve COBRA rights, covered employees and qualified beneficiaries
                                                are required to provide notice to Texas Mutual Insurance Company of the
                                                following qualifying events:

                                                1. The divorce of the covered employee from his or her spouse;
                                                employee must notify us within 60 days after the latest of 1) the date
                                                this qualifying event occurred, 2) the date that employee would lose
                                                coverage as result of this event, or 3) the date provided in the Summary
                                                Plan Description (SPD) or initial COBRA notice.
                                                2. The beneficiary ceases to be covered under the plan as a dependent
                                                child of a participant; beneficiary must notify us within 60 days after the
                                                latest of 1) the date this qualifying event occurred, 2) the date that the
                                                beneficiary would lose coverage as result of this event, or 3) the date
                                                provided in the SPD or initial COBRA notice.

                                                3. The occurrence of a second qualifying event after a qualified
                                                beneficiary has become entitled to continuation coverage based on
                                                employee termination or reduction in work hours with a maximum
                                                duration of 18 or 29 months; beneficiary must notify us within 60 days
                                                after the latest of 1) the date this qualifying event occurred, 2) the date
                                                that the beneficiary would lose coverage as result of this event, or 3) the
                                                date provided in the SPD or initial COBRA notice.

                                                4. A determination by the Social Security Administration that a qualified
                                                beneficiary, entitled to receive continuation coverage with a maximum of
                                                18 months, is disabled at any time during the first 60 days of
                                                continuation coverage; beneficiary must notify us within 60 days after
                                                the latest of 1) the date of disability determination by the Social Security
                                                Administration, 2) the date this qualifying event occurred, 3) the date the
                                                beneficiary would lose coverage as a result of this event, or 4) the date
                                                provided in the SPD or initial COBRA notice, but in no event later than
                                                the first 18 months of continuation coverage.

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