Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Newspaper Article

    The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited
    7 North Street, P O Box 40, Kingston, Jamaica, W.I

                              SCORNED and SHUNNED by SOCIETY- LGBT

  Jamaica is ranked as the 18  most dangerous                           The Jamaican Law and LGBT
  country for LGBT.(Ferguson & Ferguson, 2019).                         The criminalization of homosexuality in Jamaica

  For decades Jamaicans have viewed the LGBT                            dates back to the 1864 Offences Against the Person
  community as the black sheep of the island. Anti                      Act, which calls for a punishment of up to 10 years
  gay lyrics from influential dancehall artists have                    of imprisonment with hard labor for those

  been the order of the day. Songs such as “Chi chi                     convicted of the “abominable crime of buggery.”
  man fi dead ” and “Boom Bye Bye” have                                 Members of the Jamaican LGBT community are

  contributed to discrimination and  violent attacks                    denied access to basic rights and services, resulting
  on persons who are  homosexuals.                                      in alarming rates of homelessness and HIV ("LGBT

  Politicians who have been nobly selected by the                       Issues in Jamaica", 2012).

  people and who should be upholding the rights of
  the citizens have joined in the ridicule and verbal
  attacks on gays. For instance, Bruce Golding in an

  interview in 2008 blatantly stated that he will not
  accept gays in is cabinet. Recently Politician Mark

  Golding and others attacked Alando Terrelonge
  with demeaning homophobic remarks.
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