Page 103 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 103

8.7 Exercises  85

                    halfspaces discussed in the previous exercise), then, unless NP = RP, there exists
                    no polynomial time proper PAC learning algorithm for H.
                    Hint: Assume you have an algorithm A that properly PAC learns a class H in
                    time polynomial in some class parameter n as well as in 1/
 and 1/δ. Your
                    goal is to use that algorithm as a subroutine to contract an algorithm B for
                    solving the ERM H problem in random polynomial time. Given a training set,
                    S ∈ (X ×{±1} ), and some h ∈ H whose error on S is zero, apply the PAC
                    learning algorithm to the uniform distribution over S and run it so that with
                    probability ≥ 0.3 it finds a function h ∈ H that has error less than 
 = 1/|S| (with
                    respect to that uniform distribution). Show that the algorithm just described
                    satisfies the requirements for being a RP solver for ERM H .
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