Page 346 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 346

Rademacher Complexities

                 Theorem 26.3. We have
                            E [L D (ERM H (S)) − L S (ERM H (S))] ≤ 2 E R(  ◦ H ◦ S).
                              m                                     m
                           S∼D                                   S∼D

                 Furthermore, for any h ∈ H

                               E [L D (ERM H (S)) − L D (h )] ≤ 2 E R(  ◦ H ◦ S).
                                 m                               m
                              S∼D                             S∼D

                 Furthermore, if h = argmin L D (h) then for each δ ∈ (0,1) with probability of at least
                 1 − δ over the choice of S we have
                                                        2 E S ∼D R(  ◦ H ◦ S )


                               L D (ERM H (S)) − L D (h ) ≤                .
                 Proof. The first inequality follows directly from Lemma 26.2. The second inequality

                 follows because for any fixed h ,

                                   L D (h ) = E[L S (h )] ≥ E[L S (ERM H (S))].
                                            S          S
                 The third inequality follows from the previous inequality by relying on Markov’s

                 inequality (note that the random variable L D (ERM H (S))− L D (h ) is nonnegative).
                    Next, we derive bounds similar to the bounds in Theorem 26.3 with a bet-
                 ter dependence on the confidence parameter δ. To do so, we first introduce the
                 following bounded differences concentration inequality.
                 Lemma 26.4 (McDiarmid’s Inequality). Let V be some set and let f : V  m  → R
                 be a function of m variables such that for some c > 0,for all i ∈ [m] and for all
                  x 1 ,...,x m ,x ∈ V we have


                               | f (x 1 ,...,x m ) − f (x 1 ,...,x i−1 ,x ,x i+1 ,...,x m )|≤ c.
                 Let X 1 ,..., X m be m independent random variables taking values in V. Then, with
                 probability of at least 1 − δ we have

                              | f (X 1 ,..., X m ) − E[ f (X 1 ,..., X m )]|≤ c  ln  2  m/2.
                    On the basis of the McDiarmid inequality we can derive generalization bounds
                 with a better dependence on the confidence parameter.

                 Theorem 26.5. Assume that for all z and h ∈ H we have that | (h,z)|≤ c. Then,
                    1. With probability of at least 1 − δ,for all h ∈ H,


                                 L D (h) − L S (h) ≤ 2  E  R(  ◦ H ◦ S ) + c   .
                                                  S ∼D m                  m

                       In particular, this holds for h = ERM H (S).
                    2. With probability of at least 1 − δ,for all h ∈ H,

                                   L D (h) − L S (h) ≤ 2 R(  ◦ H ◦ S) + 4c   .
                       In particular, this holds for h = ERM H (S).
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