Page 69 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 69

6.5 Proof of Theorem 6.7  51

              Theorem 6.11. Let H be a class and let τ H be its growth function. Then, for every D
              and every δ ∈ (0,1), with probability of at least 1 − δ over the choice of S ∼ D we

                                                 4 +  log(τ H (2m))
                                 |L D (h) − L S (h)|≤   √         .
                                                       δ  2m
                 Before proving the theorem, let us first conclude the proof of Theorem 6.7.

              Proof of Theorem 6.7. It suffices to prove that if the VC-dimension is finite then the
              uniform convergence property holds. We will prove that

                                         16d      16d     16d log(2e/d)
                            m   (
,δ) ≤ 4    log        +             .
                              H            2         2           2
)      (δ
)        (δ
              From Sauer’s lemma we have that for m > d, τ H (2m) ≤ (2em/d) . Combining this
              with Theorem 6.11 we obtain that with probability of at least 1 − δ,

                                                 4 +  d log(2em/d)
                                 |L S (h) − L D (h)|≤   √         .
                                                       δ  2m

              For simplicity assume that  d log(2em/d) ≥ 4; hence,

                                                 1   2d log(2em/d)
                                 |L S (h) − L D (h)|≤             .
                                                 δ        m
              To ensure that the preceding is at most 
 we need that

                                        2d log(m)  2d log(2e/d)
                                    m ≥          +            .
) 2      (δ
) 2
              Standard algebraic manipulations (see Lemma A.2 in Appendix A) show that a
              sufficient condition for the preceding to hold is that

                                      2d        2d     4d log(2e/d)
                                m ≥ 4     log        +             .
) 2    (δ
) 2      (δ
) 2

              Remark 6.4. The upper bound on m  UC  we derived in the proof Theorem 6.7 is not
              the tightest possible. A tighter analysis that yields the bounds given in Theorem 6.8
              can be found in Chapter 28.

              Proof of Theorem 6.11*
              We will start by showing that

                                                      4 +   log(τ H (2m))
                              E   sup |L D (h) − L S (h)| ≤  √         .         (6.4)
                            S∼D m                             2m
              Since the random variable sup  |L D (h) − L S (h)| is nonnegative, the proof of
              the theorem follows directly from the preceding using Markov’s inequality (see
              Section B.1).
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