Page 79 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 79

7.2 Structural Risk Minimization  61

              In words, we have a fixed sample size m, and we are interested in the lowest possible
              upper bound on the gap between empirical and true risks achievable by using a
              sample of m examples.
                 From the definitions of uniform convergence and 
 n , it follows that for every m
              and δ, with probability of at least 1 − δ over the choice of S ∼ D we have that
                                 ∀h ∈ H n , |L D (h) − L S (h)|≤ 
 n (m,δ).      (7.2)

                 Let w : N → [0,1] be a function such that  ∞  w(n) ≤ 1. We refer to w as a
              weight function over the hypothesis classes H 1 ,H 2 ,.... Such a weight function can
              reflect the importance that the learner attributes to each hypothesis class, or some
              measure of the complexity of different hypothesis classes. If H is a finite union of N
              hypothesis classes, one can simply assign the same weight of 1/N to all hypothesis
              classes. This equal weighting corresponds to no a priori preference to any hypothesis
              class. Of course, if one believes (as prior knowledge) that a certain hypothesis class is
              more likely to contain the correct target function, then it should be assigned a larger
              weight, reflecting this prior knowledge. When H is a (countable) infinite union of
              hypothesis classes, a uniform weighting is not possible but many other weighting
                                                                 6           −n
              schemes may work. For example, one can choose w(n) =  2 2  or w(n) = 2  . Later
                                                                π n
              in this chapter we will provide another convenient way to define weighting functions
              using description languages.
                 The SRM rule follows a “bound minimization” approach. This means that the
              goal of the paradigm is to find a hypothesis that minimizes a certain upper bound
              on the true risk. The bound that the SRM rule wishes to minimize is given in the
              following theorem.

              Theorem 7.4. Let w : N → [0,1] be a function such that  ∞  w(n) ≤ 1.Let H be a

              hypothesis class that can be written as H =  H n ,where for each n, H n satisfies
              the uniform convergence property with a sample complexity function m UC  .Let 
                                                                            H n
              be as defined in Equation (7.1). Then, for every δ ∈ (0,1) and distribution D, with
              probability of at least 1 − δ over the choice of S ∼ D , the following bound holds
              (simultaneously) for every n ∈ N and h ∈ H n .
                                   |L D (h) − L S (h)|≤ 
 n (m,w(n) · δ).
              Therefore, for every δ ∈ (0,1) and distribution D, with probability of at least 1 − δ it
              holds that
                             ∀h ∈ H, L D (h) ≤ L S (h) + min 
 n (m,w(n) · δ).   (7.3)
                                                    n:h∈H n
              Proof. For each n define δ n = w(n)δ. Applying the assumption that uniform conver-
              gence holds for all n with the rate given in Equation (7.2), we obtain that if we fix n
              in advance, then with probability of at least 1 − δ n over the choice of S ∼ D ,
                                 ∀h ∈ H n , |L D (h) − L S (h)|≤ 
 n (m,δ n ).
              Applying the union bound over n = 1,2,..., we obtain that with probability of at

              least 1−  n n = 1−δ  n  w(n) ≥ 1−δ, the preceding holds for all n, which concludes
              our proof.
                                        n(h) = min{n : h ∈ H n },                (7.4)
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