Page 14 - GPS Turkey 2021_B
P. 14

Young Leaders Day

                 W I T H   A   T r a i n i n g   S e s s i o n s   O n   L I F E

                       S K I L L S   A N D   S E L F   D E V E L O P M E N T

     Global Peace Chain always devote a full fledge day for youth interaction with an aim to provide them
     an  opportunity  to  represent  their  selves  and  projects/initiatives  which  they  are  pursuing  in  their

     communities. Collaborations, technical support and partnerships for further expansion of their projects
     are offered by Global Peace Chain.

     The welcome meeting and the ice-breaking was conducted by Mr Kaisar Riyadh, Country Director of

     Global Peace Chain Bangladesh. The topic of the session was Life skills and self development. The
     speaker  encouraged  the  delegates  to  understand  self-transcending  and  self-enhancing  aspects.  The

     Ventral Striatum makes one have Eudaimonic (how others see life) and Hedonic (How one sees life).
     The Eudaimonic has a decrease in depressive symptoms after one year. While the Hedonic increase and

     here is the   likelihood of: Resilience, DNA Repair antibody protection, longevity, sleep improvement,
     Diet improvement and much more!

     His session was appreciated both by the leadership of the Global Peace Chain and the delegates!
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