Page 6 - GPS Turkey 2021_B
P. 6

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                      Innaugural Talk
            Kamran Zafar | Executive Director

                                                                           Signing of Peace Petition

       The  event  commenced  with  opening  speeches  by  the  Executive  Director-  Mr.  Kamran  Zafar  and
       Director Programmes- Mr. Muhammad Ahmad. They greeted delegates and introduced The Global

       Peace Chain's mission and vision.  The Director, in his welcome address, expressed his admiration for
       the global peace ambassadors and the change they have brought in their societies. He then described

       the functioning and vision of Global Peace Chain. The opening speech was followed by a speech from
       Director Programs, Mr. Muhammad Ahmad. He explained how the Global Peace Chain aspires to

       escalate  its  Peace  burgeoning  Campaigns  to  make  this  earth  a  better  place  to  live  in.  He  also
       emphasised that our shared duty (duty of we- youth) is to “unite our strength” and to serve “we the

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