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The new wallPen E2:
The whole is more than the
sum of its parts.
What do you get when you put many 1000 hours of work The wallPen E2 may look similar to its predecessors on
and and customer feedback into a concept that has the outside - but its interior boasts a completely new
already been tried and tested on a daily basis? That's technology into which all our know-how of the last five
exactly what we wanted to find out when we started to years has flowed. We have made more than 100 improve-
design our innovative wallPen wall printer from scratch. ments to this new generation of devices compared to its
We have now been proudly presenting the result since predecessor - ensuring better handling and even more
September 2021. impressive print results.
Since 2015, we have been working with full commitment The E2 is also 100% made in Germany. And we are
on a device that allows you to print walls with photo- enormously proud of the fact that we produce the
realistic motifs. At the beginning, we didn't realize what world's most advanced wall printer here in the middle
a strenuous and exciting journey would await us. When of Germany. The wallPen E2 is the optimal platform for
our E1, the first wall printer manufactured in Germany, future developments, because it is 100% updateable and
was launched in 2017, it was already a small revolution. future-proof.
In 2019, the improved E1plus followed. But with the
development of a completely new generation of devices, In this brochure, we will introduce you to all the features
we have fulfilled a dream. and highlights of our new wall printer. And as always, we
look forward to your feedback and testimonials with this
new device.