Page 6 - NPGA Annual Report 2019-2020
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COVID-19—NPGA Responds
COVID-19 hit the nation hard and it’s changed the way we live and do business.
NPGA acted quickly and comprehensively on behalf of the propane industry. NPGA COVID-19 Resources on
Below is a subset of NPGA’s actions and accomplishments in responding to Member Dashboard
the pandemic. State Operating Status
y Secured essential critical infrastructure worker status for propane workers Federal Enforcement Discretion and Regulatory
from the Department of Homeland Security, which many states adopted. Guidance (DOT, FMCSA, TSA and PHMSA)
y Secured inclusion of propane in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Funding Resources Portal
Administration’s emergency declaration waiving hours of service Marketers Guides for COVID-19 Operations
requirements for the transportation of essential supplies supporting Event Cancellation Template
emergency relief efforts. Preventative Practices Memo Template
y Loosened red tape and secured waivers for the propane industry on Workplace Exposure Notice Template
matters relating to drug and alcohol testing, CDL-related matters, and Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure
hazardous materials-related requirements. Workers Guide
y Secured a favorable outcome for the propane industry in the federal Critical Industry Employee Authorization to Travel
government’s third stimulus package, including an additional $900 Templates
million in funding for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Paid Leave Guidance
y Designed “rules of the road” for NPGA members under dozens of LIHEAP Summary
governmental acts and guidance documents, including CDC and OSHA LIHEAP Customer
guidance, the Federal Paycheck Protection Program and myriad other new Mailer
financial assistance programs, and provisions related to paid sick leave,
extended family leave, and medical leave. “We are living in difficult
y Worked to provision cloth masks through FEMA at no charge for essential times. The COVID-19
propane workers (over 57,000 masks to over 1,200 locations requested) crisis has created
and with NPGA member Rototherm to facilitate the availability of PPE unprecedented health,
facemasks to the United States propane industry. safety, and economic
These actions supported the industry’s resilience, allowing propane to challenges for the
maintain up and running status and continue to provide most services to the propane industry and
customer base. But it is certainly not business as usual. There are a number our families. It has put
of technical resources, references, and template language on the Member
Dashboard of to help navigate the new environment in which we all of us in new territory with many unknowns and
find ourselves operating. The NPGA staff are also resources for you; feel free difficult decisions that must be made each day.”
to reach out to them with questions or concerns. — Randy Thompson, NPGA Chair of the Board
6 National Propane Gas Association 2019 - 2020 Annual Report