Page 12 - Smart Money
P. 12
Smart Money
I love to be part of a team and work together to achieve a common goal.
I always believed that if you came second you were last. I still believe this.
I disliked school and I decided in year 11 3/4 that I wasn’t going back.
Mum said that if I got a job in a child care centre then I could leave. This
was to be my career path once I had graduated. I applied for as many jobs
I could and after the first interview I nailed it. So off I started on my first
adventure in the real world.
I always wanted to make lots of money but wasn’t sure what I was going
to do to make it. I knew that if I found something that I loved to do and
worked hard then the money would come.
I started in finance when I was 18, in a different sector to what I am in
now. This was called factoring finance and my boss was a tyrant. However,
she taught me a lot about business and how not to treat staff if you want
to get the best out of them.
My main goals in life were to have a good job, get married, have a child
and pay my house off by the time I was 30; I was a little off in this
calculation - I achieved all of these by the time I was 32. I purchased my
first investment at 21 and had to save hard to achieve it. When I set myself
goals, I make sure I achieve them even if it takes longer than expected.
One of my work goals was that I wanted to work for Coca Cola as a sales
rep, so when I was 23 I applied and got the job. I thoroughly enjoyed
working for this company. A lot of my sales training came from Coca Cola
and I believe that this was the foundation of my great sales career.
After Coca Cola, I was poached back to the finance industry and worked
for a few years as a Finance and Insurance Manager for Volvo / Suzuki.
Although I enjoyed this job, I decided it would be far more exciting to
help people purchase their dream homes instead of cars.
In January 2005, I was lucky enough to start with FinanceCorp and after
12 months I was offered the opportunity to have my own franchise. I
jumped at this. I have always enjoyed a challenge and hate saying no to
opportunities, so I took the plunge!