Page 21 - Smart Money
P. 21


             Before taking any action on anything you learn in this book, or anywhere
             else for that matter, please seek professional advice from a licensed expert.
             That means getting your tax advice from an accountant, financial advice
             from a financial planner, credit and lending advice from a licensed finance
             broker, property advice from a real estate agent (or buyer’s agent), and
             legal advice from a solicitor.

             Accept no less than credible, authorised and specific expert advice at all
             times, and always make sure you are well informed before making any

             Please retain this book in a convenient location so that you may refer
             to it in the future, and feel free to ask for additional copies as a means
             to introducing those you care about and feel will benefit from this

             I hope you enjoy this book and learn important information to help you
             on your property journey.

             Here’s to your future!
               7UDFH\ 0DUHH )UDQFR

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