Page 8 - Prolific-Client-Welcome-Packet-2022
P. 8
6574 Sullivan Trail Wind Gap, PA 18091 610-863-9500
It is Day 1. You are sitting peacefully enjoying your coffee and you hear the lovely sounds of truck doors slamming,
trailers banging, and equipment humming. Our crew is here and ready to destroy your backyard (do not worry, it is
only temporary, and the end-product will be worth it!). Construction is loud, messy, exciting, draining, beautiful and
rewarding all at the same time.
Let’s get real. There can be situations that are frustrating during construction:
-Dirty driveways and roads
-Grass being damaged by equipment
-Weather delays
-Material delays
-Hitting unmarked undergrounds: such as invisible dog fences, cable lines, phone lines, irrigation in the work area
-Site conditions that change the original plan
-Neighbors’ complaints about ongoing construction
-Increasing budgets through added scope items
-Feeling overwhelmed
-Communication drops
A change order is a formal mini contract
-Unexpected costs that modifies the original contract.
Despite the project team’s best effort to
avoid change orders during construction,
Do not worry- we will help guide you through this exciting, and at
they are common. There are many
times challenging process. The Prolific family strives to be great
reasons changes can occur. Most of the
communicators and will be here for support every step of the
time they result from owner requests,
way. We strive to keep the site as clean as feasible. The design changes, or unknown field
equipment and materials are staged appropriately to minimize conditions.
the impact to your daily life. Yes, issues happen – Let us reframe
our mindset and think of them as SOLUTIONS from now on. There Do not be afraid of changes- they typically
are so many opportunities that first appear as problems that make the project better than it was before,
ultimately can make your project better! Of course, there are and you can add fun design tweaks that
certain instances which are flat out not ideal. Let us all be positive you may have not thought of prior.
and get through this together.