Page 2 - Sourcing Doctrine 05-10-22
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The Snooze Doctrine
At Snooze, it is our goal to create the best breakfast and brunch experience possible. In addition to excellent service,
unique ambiance, and the fun factor … we accomplish this with amazing food and beverage! We hope to provide our
guests with responsibly sourced products presented in thoughtful, seasonal menus, made with LOVE!
Responsible Sourcing of Food
We recognize a responsibility to our land, our communities, and our guest. We
We Make it With Love strive to bring tasty and responsible food to the table for each Snooze Raver, and
We go to great lengths to present our we feel that true responsible sourcing takes into account ALL of these factors.
guests with an experience made with
love. This is done through a combination Our Land: Sustainable agriculture and humane animal treatment are the priority
of innovation, scratch cooking, and here. Our goal is to work with producers who make smart decisions to allow
partnering with producers who meet our responsible food production to thrive.
high standards. Additionally, we are
happy to make your meal YOUR way! We Our Communities: Using local producers helps to keep us connected to
are gluten free friendly and have several the communities we call home. Sourcing locally also supports our
options for our vegan and vegetarian neighbors and helps boost the local economy. However, sourcing locally
guests. is not always viable. To that end, we try to incorporate local ingredients as we
are able. Local to Snooze means 250 miles from our front door.
Our Guests: First and foremost, our food has to be tasty. We also strive to
partner with producers who use real food devoid of artificial ingredients,
pesticides, herbicides, sub therapeutic antibiotics, and added hormones, to help
Creative, Thoughtful, limit the use of harmful chemicals in our foods. It’s healthier for our bodies, our
guests, and our earth.
Seasonal Menus
Our chef driven menus change Responsibility to Snooze: As a business, our ultimate responsibility lies in
with the seasons. Not only are our ensuring the strong future of Snooze! By combining these responsibilities with a
ideas original, comforting, and fun, focus on quality, consistency, and cost, we are able to create a sourcing model that
but we are always looking for new is sure to preserve our land, protect our bodies, satisfy our guests, and, of course,
ways to put our twist on the sustain our business today and tomorrow.
classics. People. Planet. Profit. Pancakes.