Page 6 - Phased Reopeing Procedures v26
P. 6


                       FOLLOW ALL REQUIRED                                                            GLOVES while working.  Gloves must be
                                                                                                        All Snoozers are to wear DISPOSABLE

                                  HANDWASHING                                                           changed at minimum every hour during

                                        PROTOCOL!                                                      continual use, AND whenever Snoozers:

                                                                                                              Handle raw animal products

                                                      ~                                                       Return from a break

                                                                                                              Handle money

                   HANDS MUST BE WASHED                                                                       Touch face, hair, hat, cell phone, or dirty towels

                     OR SANITIZED BETWEEN                                                                     Sneeze or cough - even if you blocked with the
                                                                                                              crook of your arm

                               GLOVE CHANGES!                                                                 Handle chemicals

                                                                                                              Take out the waste bins
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