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Chart Your Course: For 2024, unleash the power of goal setting
or new car by reducing unnecessary expenses and setting up automatic transfers.
One final key step
There is one final key step to goal setting that people often leave out, and therefore fail at achieving their goals.
To achieve your goals, you must take time to write them down, either on physical paper, or in a place on your phone, tablet, or computer where you can review them daily.
People sometimes feel that they are too busy to even sit down for a few minutes, think about what they want, and then write down their goals one at a time. However, those who succeed in nav- igating to their destination take the time to do just that. The famous body builder, movie star, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger took the time on New Year’s day every year, January 1st, to write out his goals for the coming year. Since most people have the day off, it might be a good example to follow.
The possibilities for goal-setting are endless, my friends. So, grab your map, set your sails, and let the adventure of goal setting begin! n
Mike Wiley is the publisher of Hoodview News.
Imagine navigating a vast ocean without a map or compass. Sure, you could
sail aimlessly, hoping to stumble upon your desti- nation, but wouldn’t you feel infinitely more confident with a clear route charted? This, my friends, is the essence of goal setting. In the sprawling sea of life, goals become our guiding stars, illuminating the path towards our deepest desires and biggest dreams.
Goals give direction
Why are goals so crucial? It’s simple: they give mean- ing and direction. Without a target, our aspirations remain hazy wisps, easily dissipated by the winds of doubt and procrastination. Goals, however, transform these wisps into tangible pillars, grounding our moti- vation and providing a focal point for our energy. They become the lighthouse in the distance, beckoning us
forward with the promise of fulfillment.
Set SMART Goals
But not all goals are cre- ated equal. Setting ineffective goals can be as detrimental as navigating with a faulty compass. Vague ambitions like “be happy” or “achieve success” may sound lovely, but they lack the specific- ity needed to translate into action. This is where the magic of SMART goals comes in. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s unpack each element:
• Specific: Define your goal
clearly. Instead of “get fit,” aim for “run a 5K within three months.” This gives you a concrete target to work towards.
• Measurable: How will you know you’ve reached your goal? Include quanti- fiable metrics. Running a 5K in 30 minutes is mea- surable, whereas “looking toned” is not.
• Achievable: Set goals
that are challenging but attainable. Aiming for a sub-20-minute 5K as a beginner might set you up for disappointment. Start with smaller, achiev- able steps and gradually increase the difficulty.
• Relevant: Choose goals that align with your values and aspirations. Does run- ning a marathon spark joy or dread? Prioritize goals that resonate with your inner compass.
• Time-bound: Give your goals a deadline. “Run a 5K by July 1st” adds urgency and a sense of accountability.
Set effective goals
Beyond SMART, here are some additional tips for effective goal setting:
• Dream big, plan small:
Start with your ultimate vision and then break it down into smaller, action- able steps. Climbing Mount Everest requires conquering countless base camps first.
• Embrace collaboration:
Seek support from a friend, coach, or accountability partner. Sharing your goals can add encouragement and keep you on track.
• Celebrate milestones:
Don’t wait for the finish line to acknowledge your progress. Celebrate every conquered step, every milestone reached.
• Embrace flexibility: Life throws curveballs. Be will- ing to adjust your goals as needed, but don’t abandon them altogether.
Remember, goal setting is not about achieving perfec- tion; it’s about empowering your journey. It’s about taking the reins of your life and actively shaping your desired future. So, my friends, I urge you: set your goals, chart your course, and unleash the incredible power within you!
Some goal ideas
Here are some examples of SMART goals to inspire you:
• Personal: Learn a new
language in 6 months by taking online courses and completing daily practice exercises.
• Professional: Get pro- moted to senior manager within 1 year by exceeding sales targets and attending leadership development workshops.
• Creative: Write a novel before the end of the year by setting daily writing goals and participating in a writing critique group.
• Health: Lose 10 pounds in 3 months by adopting a balanced diet and exer- cising 3 times per week.
• Financial: Save $5,000 within 1 year toward a downpayment on a house
January, 2024

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