Page 239 - fourth year book
P. 239


                                    Overview of Global Epidemiology

               Although  the  World  Health  Organization  estimates  that  2.35%  of  the
               global  population  is  infected  with  hepatitis  C  virus  (HCV),  data  on
               prevalence  rates  are  incomplete.  Estimates  range  from  <  0.5%  in  very
               low  endemicity  countries  (eg,  northern  European  countries)  to

               staggering  rates  of  approximately  20%  in  highly  endemic  areas,
               including urban centers and the Nile Delta in Egypt.

                Egypt has the highest country wide prevalence of hepatitis C virus in the world,
               with 11-14% of the population chronically infected, being 10-20 fold higher than
                                              that in the United States.

               The origin of the epidemic of HCV in Egypt has been attributed to mass
               campaigns  of  parenteral  anti-schistosomiasis  treatment  (PAT)  in  rural
               areas in the 1960s-80 s. In spite of, termination of this program and the
               implementation  of  measures  designed  to  reduce  hospital-related

               infection, transmission continues.
               Different types of hepatitis occurring around the world:

               The  five  hepatitis  viruses  –  A,  B,  C,  D,  and  E  –  are  distinct  and  can

               spread  in  different  ways,  affect  different  populations,  and  result  in

               different health outcomes.

               Hepatitis  A is  a  vaccine-preventable  liver  infection  caused  by  the

               hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the stool and blood of people
               who  are  infected.  Hepatitis  A  is  very  contagious.  It  is  spread  when

               someone unknowingly ingests the virus — even in microscopic amounts

               —  through  close  personal  contact  with  an  infected  person  or  through
               eating contaminated food or drink.

               Hepatitis  B is  a  vaccine-preventable  liver  infection  caused  by  the
               hepatitis  B  virus  (HBV).  Hepatitis  B  is  spread  when  blood,  semen,  or

               other body fluids from a person infected with the virus enters the body

               of someone who is not infected. This can happen through sexual contact;
               sharing  needles,  syringes,  or  other  drug-injection  equipment;  or  from
               mother to baby at birth.

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