Page 14 - EL GALANISTA «amor a las letras y a la patria»
P. 14


                                           MILITARY SCHOOL

                                                  On July 6 of this year the going
                                                  to  school  began  through  the
                                                  alternation    model,    where

                                                  parents  and  students  had  to
                                                  sign  a  consent  where  they
                                                  accepted  that  their  child  will

                                                  return to face-to-face classes
                                                  in  alternation,  thanks  to  this
                       Video 01
                                                  the  students  have  achieved
                                                  return to their daily activities

                                                  before      the      pandemic,
                                                  however, not all students who
                                                  signed  the  consent  can  go

                                                  because  each  classroom  has
                                                  a capacity that must be met.

                                                  The  benefits  that  this  model

                     Forty years old              has  brought  is  the  academic
                                                  improvement in students who
         Did  you  know  that  the  Jose          did  not  connect  to  virtual
         Antonio  Galan  Military  School         classes  and  lost  subjects,  it

         was founded October 23 in 1981           has  also  taught  students
         as  a  contribution  to  the             responsibilities   about     the
         Education     and    training   of       pandemic  such  as  washing

         Colombian  youth  both  Military         their  hands  correctly,  not        I  proudly  see  that  since  its
         and Academically                         taking  off  their  masks,  not      inception,  the  Jose  Antonio

                                                  sharing  food  and  having           Galan  Military  College  has
                                                  distance,  has  also  helped         grown to become one of the

                                                  students  and  teachers  live        best, if not the best.
                                                  together  again  in  person  and
                                                  generate     friendships    and      bearing  the  name  of  one  of
                                                                                       our  homeland  heroes.  I  am
                                                                                       very  pleased  that  it  has
                                                  The  disadvantages  of  this  is     become      mixed,    because
                                                  that  not  all  students  comply     there  you  can  see  equality

                                                  with  the  security  measures        and support for the dreams of
                                                  that  are  necessary,  causing       some women.
                                                  them  to  get  sick  or  have

                                                  controlled rest.                     By.      Barragán      Romero
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