Page 42 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 42
Not twenty minutes later, a fourth-year who worked with Dr. Holden
Rodrigues over in pharmacology came in and took a seat next to Jeremy.
They immediately started whispering to each other and pointing at Olive.
Any other day she would have been concerned and a little upset, but Dr.
Benton had already answered her email, which took priority over . . .
anything else, really.
Today, 10:26 a.m.
SUBJECT: Re: Pancreatic Cancer Screening Project
I’m on sabbatical from Harvard this semester, so I’ll be
staying for several days. A Stanford collaborator and I were
just awarded a large grant, and we’ll be meeting to talk
about setup, etc. Okay if we play it by ear once I’m there?
Sent from my iP hone
Yes! She had several days to convince him to take on her project, which
was much better than the ten minutes she’d originally anticipated. Olive
fist-pumped—which led to Jeremy and his friend staring at her even more
weirdly. What was up with them, anyway? Did she have toothpaste on her
face or something? Who cared? She was going to meet Tom Benton and
convince him to take her on. Pancreatic cancer, I’m coming for you.