Page 95 - The Love Hypothesis
P. 95

“Oh.”  It  was  nice  of  him  to  offer.  Not  fake-dating-to-save-her-ass,

                spend-twenty-bucks-on-junk-food-for-her  nice,  but  still  very  nice.  Olive
                couldn’t possibly accept. Plus, Adam was a professor, which meant that he
                was older and all that. Thirtysomething. He did look fit, but he probably

                had a bum knee and was only a few years short of osteoporosis. “Thank
                you, but—”

                    “Actually, that would be a terrible idea,” Anh interjected. Her eyes were
                darting  between  Olive  and  Adam.  “No  offense,  Dr.  Carlsen,  but  you’re

                three times larger than Olive. If you stand, the room’s going to burst.”
                    Adam stared at Anh like he had no idea whether he’d just been insulted.

                    “But,” she continued, this time looking at Olive, “it’d be great if you
                could do me a solid and sit on your boyfriend’s lap, Ol. Just so I don’t have
                to stand on my toes?”

                    Olive blinked. And then she blinked again. And then she blinked some
                more.  Near  the  podium,  Dr.  Moss  was  still  introducing  Tom—“Got  his

                Ph.D.  from  Vanderbilt  and  then  moved  to  a  postdoctoral  fellowship  at
                Harvard University, where he pioneered several techniques in the field of

                imaging”—but her voice sounded as if it was coming from far, far away.
                Possibly  because  Olive  couldn’t  stop  thinking  about  what  Anh  had

                proposed, which was just . . .
                    “Anh, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Olive mumbled under her breath,
                avoiding glancing in Adam’s direction.

                    Anh gave her a look. “Why? You’re taking up space we don’t have, and
                it’s  only  logical  that  you  use  Carlsen  as  a  chair.  I  would,  but  he’s  your

                boyfriend, not mine.”
                    For  a  moment,  Olive  tried  to  imagine  what  Adam  would  do  if  Anh

                decided  to  sit  on  his  lap,  and  figured  that  it  would  probably  end  up
                involving someone being murdered and someone doing the murdering—she

                wasn’t sure who’d be doing what. The mental image was so ridiculous that
                she almost giggled out loud. Then she noticed the way Anh was looking at
                her expectantly. “Anh, I can’t.”

                    “Because. This is a scientific talk.”
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