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As a GCC-owned, GCC-based professional the ability to challenge current practice and
services firm with nine service lines and develop - and implement – innovative solutions.
operations across the MENA region, the Keypoint
With over 100 qualified, experienced
group is unique. With offices in Bahrain, Saudi
professionals - including lawyers, accountants
Arabia and Jordan offering professional services
and members of professional institutions
ranging from financial regulatory compliance including the Institute of Chartered Accountants
and investment administration services to (ICA), the Institute of Chartered Financial
accounting solutions and tax advisory, we add Analysts (ICFA), the Institute of Internal Auditors
value to our clients by leveraging the experience (IIA), the Chartered Institute of Personnel &
and expertise of our people as well as our Development (CIPD), the Institute of Chartered
hard-earned reputation for developing and Tax Advisors (CITA), the Institute of Certified
disseminating leading practice. Fraud Examiners (ICFE), the Association of
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists
For almost 20 years, our dedication and
(ACAMS) and ISACA (for IT governance). As well
commitment to our clients – based on mutual
as a wide variety of specialised qualifications,
trust - have made us the consultant of choice to
our professionals hold degrees in a wide range
multinational corporations, financial institutions,
of subjects, including law, IT, banking & finance,
high net worth individuals, small and medium-
accounting, economics, management, HR and
sized enterprises, local and regional firms
business administration.
and family offices. Offering a comprehensive
suite of business advisory services to clients Our vision is to be the regional advisor and
employer of choice, offering a unique mix of
across the region, our senior management
business solutions that are professional, trusted
are key to the group’s continuing success.
and smart with significant market share.
Our service line leaders, who have worked
in industry as well as professional services, Your success is our business. Welcome to the
are recognised as trusted advisors with experts. Welcome to Keypoint!
Bahrain Banks Directory 2023 23