Page 30 - Poze Magazine Volume 61
P. 30
Dual Mania
An intense The visionary director shares the inspiration for his
script, noting that while watching the televised
psychological thriller courtroom trial of the notorious serial killer Jeffrey
depicting a battle of Dahmer in 1991, he was intrigued by the fact that
the prosecutors never investigated Dahmer's
minds childhood. "I immediately wrote a script that I
hoped would dig deeper into the trauma of his
childhood and expose how often those issues rose
Award-winning writer/director Joseph Strickland again in his adult life," Strickland adds.
is talking about his debut feature film, Dual
Mania, an intense psychological thriller Dual Mania had its first private screening at the art-
depicting a battle of minds between a house Trylon Cinema theater in Minneapolis,
psychiatrist and his patient and a stream of Minnesota. And the filmmaker was surprised by the
violence stemming from traumatic events in reactions from the audience. "I was stunned that
each man's childhood. certain audience members were on the verge of
tears after viewing the film. And some people said
that they were blown away by what they saw. Many
fans admitted that they've never seen anything like
it!" Strickland tells us.