Page 52 - Poze Magazine Volume 61
P. 52
3. Promote Your Events: Promote any 6. Reach out to Influencers: Contact local
upcoming gigs you’ll be performing at by radio stations as well as music bloggers,
advertising on local radio shows or asking them to check out your music. It’s
postering around town. Utilise Flyers with a likely that these influencers will recognize
description of your music and some something creative and exciting about it.
personal contact details in case people are Offer to send over some music for them to
interested in booking you for an event. review, and if they like what you have to
offer, it could lead to a lot of positive
4. Be Creative: Always experiment with publicity.
creative ideas and out-of-the-box
solutions. Go big, with well-executed street 7. Make Connections: Connect with fellow
teams and spontaneous promos, or go musicians, bloggers and producers in the
small, and focus more on building industry and build relationships with
relationships with people offline. them. This can open up endless windows
of opportunities to collaborate with and
5. Leverage Email Lists: One of the most learn from each other.
powerful forms of marketing is by
leveraging email lists. Reach out to your 8. Develop a Sound Brand: Create a
current fan base by creating a newsletter unique look and sound for yourself that is
with exclusive updates and special offers. artfully executed and authentically
Not only will it act as a keep in touch, but it expresses who you are as an artist. This
will also help you to get your music out will help to make your music stand out in
there in front of more people. a saturated market.