Page 19 - Poze Magazine Volume 37
P. 19
We are Krozover a band started in 2012.
Originally from WVMembers are Melanie
on Vocals, Andy on Guitar/Bass, and
Nick on drums.
Some of our influences include: In This
Moment, Three Days Grace, Breaking
Benjamin, Saint Asonia, Halestorm,
Evanescence, and a few others.
The lead vocalist Melanie aka (Melany
Nyx) hails from Montreal, Quebec and is
French Canadian. She has over 45,000
followers on StarMaker and has won Including Three Days Grace from the
multiple StarMaker competitions a app One-X Era. and Breaking Benjamin
for vocalist and singers. especially. He has hundreds of covers.
Nick is on drums he's originally from
Andy aka (AndyShredz) is originally WV and he plays drum covers of
from WV, and has done various guitar bands like Greenday, Nirvana, ETC.
covers on YouTube and started off We are Krozover, we want to change
making guitar covers. the world with our music, one song at
a time. Check us out on Spotify,
iTunes. ETC. Let rock never die!