Page 4 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 4

                                                                                           Poze magazine
                2024 NEW

                MEDIA FILM


               Q&A session led by the director
               and founder of NMFF, Susan
               Johnston. The festival was held
               in-person at the Look Cinemas
               in Glendale/ Los Angeles, CA

                                                       PHOTOS AND REVIEW BY Jomel Fragante

                                                   Another important premiere that caught
                                                   my attention was the world debut  2024 New Media Film
                                                   of the fiction podcast London After  Festival:
                                                   Midnight. This full-cast audio drama
                                                   resurrected the lost silent horror classic,
                                                   originally directed by Tod Browning and
                                                   starring Lon Chaney. The film, initially  disrespect and a lack of funding from their
                                                   released in 1927, was tragically lost in the  schools, while also exposing the darker
                                                   notorious 1965 MGM vault fire. The  side of being on a dance team. You could
                                                   podcast brought this classic back to life,  hear the audience members express
                                                   providing a thrilling experience for fans of  shock and frustration at the disparities
                                                   vintage horror. Additionally, the festival  faced by the dance teams in the film.
                                                   featured the music video Courtyard, the  Another work that also premiered at the
                                                   title track from the album Heartache,  festival is First Mobile Phone Call
                                                   produced by Will Sonheim & Ollie Hobson,  in History, a funny and captivating short
                          PHOTOS AND REVIEW BY Jomel Fragante  was directed and created collaboratively  animation film by two talented directors
                                                   as an Exquisite Corpse.    from the Netherlands, drawing attention
                                                                              from history buffs like myself.
                                                   The video, rich with emotional depth and
                                                   colorful visuals, showcased the festival's  Told through hand-drawn visuals, the
                                                   commitment to diverse forms of  story centers around an interview between
                                                   storytelling. On the second day, the  journalist Bahram Sadeghi and Martin
                                                   festival continued in person, offering an  Cooper, the inventor of the mobile phone.
                                                   eclectic mix of new media, Q&A  Cooper is famously known for making the
                                                   discussions, and interactive experiences.  first mobile phone call on April 3rd,
                                                   One of my favorite moments was  1973. The movie artfully captures a pivotal
                                                   witnessing the audience’s reaction to the  moment in telecommunications
                                                   18-minute student documentary Call  history, blending factual history with
                                                   Them Athletes—a film about three  quirky visuals and sounds. It later won the
                                                   Midwest dance teams that highlights their  festival’s award for Best Animation.
                          PHOTOS AND REVIEW BY Jomel Fragante  impressive accomplishments and talents
                                                   despite facing
  S AND REVIEW BY Jomel Fragante

                              PHOTOS AND REVIEW BY Jomel Fragante
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