Page 71 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 71


           Grace Healed My

           Soul is set to release

           on July 22nd

           POZE MAGAZINE

           Lisa, you mentioned working on new songs  How has your faith influenced your music  My husband also helps me with scripture and
           and collaborating with other artists. Can you  and songwriting process? Are there specific  if i get stuck on something, But the Lord is my
           share more about these projects and what
                                             moments or experiences that have  main source with my music. believe it or not,
           we can expect from these collaborations?
                                             significantly shaped your musical journey?  it is true. I still suffer but God gave me a way
                                                                               to cope to get through the hard times and
           7. I like at times to collaborate with other                        rejoice in the good times. I am blessed more
           artists, some of them ask me and some of  8. My Faith in God is a big influence in my  than i can say and i just hope it shows the way
           them I ask. I have been working a lot with Bo  music and songwriting. My lyrics are divine, I  i live my life to help those who lost hope to
           Hoss and Cindy Lou, they are producers and  would not be doing this if it wasn`t for my  keep going and i want to be that vessel that he
           singer songwriters themselves and we have a  faith in God, He chose me for this musical  uses to bring joy and hope back to a lost
           great working friendship I was approached  journey, He saw i was suffering and stepped  world.
           the beginning of the year to work on a project  in to help, He blessed me with a talent that i  With five albums out and a book on the way,
           that they were starring with other artists, that  was not using because of the chronic pain i  what are your future goals and aspirations in
           was called Broadway Maybes 2, I was asked to  was living in, so I went with it and accepted  both your music career and personal life?
           sing the song I don`t know how to love him,  what he gave me, i did not know what was
           from the hit Broadway musical Jesus  in store down the line, i never dreamed of this  9. My future goals, are to work on my next
           Christ superstar.At first i wasn`t sure,because  life, When i gave my life to the Lord that is  album, to publish the 4 other stories that i
           i never did Broadway before, but they had  when things happened. I would get lyrics  wrote years ago, to collaborate with other
           more confidence in me than I did in myself, so  come to me during the night and wake up with  artists and to learn how to play piano. my
           I took it on, I practiced it in my own voice and  a complete song in my head, that i had to  personal life, i want to go to church more, Do
           style and nailed it, i was so proud of myself  write down, I used scripture and my life  more with my family, take a vacation, help the
           that i did it and so many people love my  experiences to add to the songs so that  community by doing concerts to raise money
           rendition that he chose to make me lead on  people will relate to it. When I prayed for a  for people who suffer from Chronic pain and
           the album. Now i sing it all the time at my  way to put this music together, he blessed me  anxiety and live the best life that i can live.
           shows and people love it.. I was then  with the talent to play guitar, I am self taught
           asked to collab on another song with them,  at everything, i always say that God is my  What message would you like to send to your
           She wrote most of it, but i added my touches  manager, I never took singing lessons, i taught  fans who have supported you throughout
           and my vocals that i spoke about earlier, the  myself I never went to college or took English  your journey, and what can they look
           song, Life a song of faith and glory and it came  literature. My mind is very creative and I am  forward to in the coming months?
           out beautiful. I also did a song with an artist  always thinking, I am not like everyone else,
           Keith Spinney he asked me to sing on his track  nor do i want to be, I am me and I am          71
           last year. I am busy with my own music so i  blessed to be me, God is always showing me
           am not sure when my next collaboration will  the way,
           be but i am sure it will be this year.
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