Page 57 - Poze Magazine Volume 64
P. 57
The Super Bowl Halftime Show is The Super Bowl Halftime Show first
annually one of the most anticipated aired in 1967 as a way to boost the
events in American culture. Every year audience’s interest in the game. The
millions of viewers tune in to watch show was originally a march of the
the biggest NFL game of the year and college band Arizona State
to witness the impressive show that University, and thus the first
goes along with it. Halftime show was relatively short. It
wasn’t until the show in 1992, when
The Super Bowl Halftime Show serves the NFL used the show to recruit U.S.
as an opportunity for musicians to troops, that the Halftime Show
display their talent and introduce began to become popular.
their music to an immense audience.
A performance at the Super Bowl The NFL has since grown the show to
Halftime Show has become the most become a big part of Super Bowl
sought-after stage in the music festivities. The show now usually
industry, and thus it is no surprise that includes a professional or celebrity
so many artists desire to take part in opening act, and also a hit song by
the show. the headlining act. The show is also
put on by a well-known production
company, and often lasts fifteen to
twenty minutes.