Page 8 - Poze Magazine Volume 64
P. 8
To complement his music, Bishop has collaborated with acclaimed
To complement his music, Bishop has collaborated with acclaimed
directors Paul Crawford and Dylan Hahn to produce captivating
directors Paul Crawford and Dylan Hahn to produce captivating
music videos that bring his vision to life. Bishop's musical
music videos that bring his vision to life. Bishop's musical
expedition represents a quest for artistic freedom and self-
expedition represents a quest for artistic freedom and self-
expression. By fusing genres, embracing his influences, and
expression. By fusing genres, embracing his influences, and
fearlessly venturing beyond the confines of gospel music, he has
fearlessly venturing beyond the confines of gospel music, he has
carved out a distinct sound that captivates listeners. With his latest
carved out a distinct sound that captivates listeners. With his latest
singles and upcoming LP, Bishop showcases his ability to craft
singles and upcoming LP, Bishop showcases his ability to craft
thought-provoking music that resonates with a wide audience. So,
thought-provoking music that resonates with a wide audience. So,
buckle up and join Bishop on his musical journey as he continues
buckle up and join Bishop on his musical journey as he continues
to push boundaries and create music that speaks to the soul.
to push boundaries and create music that speaks to the soul.