Page 77 - Poze Magazine Volume 75
P. 77



                                                                        POZE MAGAZINE

            A creative artist on the rise, Abigail Virginia is one
            of the most exciting soul voices breaking through    ‘People Don’t Love’ is a song that unfortunately
            right now, and with every release she showcases      many will be able to connect to on some level.
            her vocal prowess, and impressive and relatable      Loving someone deeply without having it
            storytelling, both of which are evident in this latest  reciprocated. The stunning addition of a choir
            offering which is a hard-hitting real-life tale of   elevates the song to incredible places.
            falling for a narcissist incapable of real-love, taking
            advantage of a kind and trusting soul in the         Speaking about the new track, Abigail Virginia
            process. Leaving heartbreak in his wake.             says: “To realize why people don’t love is to have
                                                                 experienced what love can do. You can’t see it or
            There is something divinely inspiring hearing the
                                                                 feel it but its weight carries with you forever”
            Alabama native being so raw and authentic. She’s
            truly stepping into her true self and that shines    Writers:
            through in her new music, creating a real and        Abigail Virginia // Zachary Stein
            lasting connection.                                  Producer: Paul Sikes

                                                                 Photographer: Max Sechrest
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