Page 13 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 13

I’m digging his accompanying  The Quiet” and “Aphrodite”. You’ll
               visuals, a splendid array of chef  hear what I mean. Khiva finishes
               themed sequences and slides   pleasantly, thanks all in
               incorporating condiments, cooking  attendance, and snaps a dope
               utensils, and food items.  He’s  photo. Well played, Harrie. Friction
               slappin’ together tasty beats, fresh  steps in and greets us kindly. He’s
               for the fam. Yummy, keep e’m  brought a unique zest for this
               coming, buddy. I’m always hungry  engagement, drum and bass,
               for nutrients of sonic substance.  straight from London. He’s putting
               Somebody get this fella his own  together one heck of a set before
               line of chef’s hats, pronto, cuz his  my ears detect his very own, “Back
               sounds are tasty and filling!  To Your Roots”. My mind begins
               Speaking of being full, the main  visiting moments from my past
               arena betwixt the grandstand and  and tying their significance to the
               stage is starting to feel overly  present. After about ninety
               gorged with healthy bodies. Khiva’s  minutes of DnB, Friction finishes
               up next, so I make my way toward  flawlessly, and I absolutely know  The possibilities for what we may
               the upper altitudes.          what my future holds. “Zeds Dead,  discover and become are untold,
                                             baby. Zeds Dead.”                those tales ultimately written by us.
                Comfy seating on multiple levels                              Consider the story of The Salt Shed.
               offers bevies of ideal positions to  Tonight’s showcase feels  One day, merely a repository. A few
               get up or sit down. Each additional  appreciative towards Chicago. ZD  decades and a renovation later,
               plane, of which there are three,  opens with “Sirius” from The Allan  performers are booking three
               offers supplementary bars, tables,  Parson Project, an iconic track I’ve  nights at a time. “Zeds Dead, baby.”
               and seating. A little bit of club, a  associated with the Chicago Bulls
               touch of theater. Elegant. I pop a  my entire life. It plays over clips of  Zeds Dead, on December 15 th ,
               squat for a bit, which doesn’t last  Michael Jordan and the Bulls  served a beautiful event for many to
               long for the energy Khiva exudes.  team, dominating. All the while,  behold. The level of precision laced
               She’s boppin’ and bouncin’, her  lasers, and lights cross streams  execution from this evening
               beats belying a warrior spirit.  while DC and Hooks blend bass,  undoubtedly extended across all
               Reflecting, I start juking, grooving  drumstep, dubstep, house, and  three nights. Count on Zeds Dead
               my hips along with shoulder dips.  hip-hop. It’s a special flavor of  to bring the heat with a variety of
               Khiva’s style is refreshingly fierce,  vibrations. We’re already bravely  talent focusing banger
               gritty sequences of tracks that  experiencing soundscapes before  performances and top-notch
               splash and slash. Dark and wubby  clips of Worf, Geordie La Forge,  production value. If you’ve never
               songs summoning sonic signals  and Jean Luc Picard from Star   experienced ZD, set aside some
               forth from creative depths and  Trek: The Next Generation grace  time. You’ll discover a duo
               heightened ethers.            the screens. It might as well be a  committed to communicating sonic
                                             message: keep exploring and      chronicles crossing multiple
                                             evolving, boldly adventure where  boundaries and genres, with optical
                                             none have before.                sequences that excite and satisfy.

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