Page 4 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 4


                                                          by Ben E Zander
               On  November  11,  2023,  I  ventured  to
               Happen  Space  Art  Gallery  in  Chicago  to  Photos by Ben E Zander
               speak  with  Lucien  Caillouet,  aka  Lucien
               TrapArt,  about  art,  style,  fashion,  food,  Today, Lucien greets me warmly before we
               motivation, and his journey through life.  sit down and delve into his matriculation as
               The gallery owned by homie Rodney Duran  an artist. He describes his process: “I think
               features  studio  and  exhibition  spaces  for  of my art as if pop art and street art had a
               distinctive contemporary art pieces, among  baby. I paint a lot of pop-culture icons, but I
               them Lucien’s work.                   use street art elements. I also take parts
                                                     from screen printing, build a screen onto the
               The first time I laid eyes on a Lucien TrapArt  canvas, and then I peel it off, every layer.
               original  more  than  five  years  ago,  Lucien
               was putting the finishing touches on a wild-   It’s a little bit more like screen printing than
               looking,   graffiti-   laden   Chris   Farley  it is stencil art.” Now, the celebrity element
               portrayal. After he pulled the final layers of  Lucien employs isn’t the only reason his
               tape  from  the  painstakingly  layered  masks,  work slaps. There’s a guiding philosophy
               his eyes scanning for any imperfections, he  embedded in his psyche that instructs how
               beamed   at   its   completion.   Lucien  he forms his canvas, from start to finish. “I
               transforms  images  of  iconic  personalities,  try to use some sort of sacred geometry in
               and  moments  of  pop-culture  performance,  each piece, just because I like it..
               committing  himself  to  manifesting  their
               portraited personalities.                                               P O Z E   M A G A Z I N E
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