Page 16 - Poze Magazine Volume 47
P. 16
Legacy for Laughter & Truth Robinson’s clients have included: CBS, Sony,
Gary Robinson is an acclaimed Universal and Martin Scorsese’s Film Foundation to
Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, name a few. He has produced thousands of
nationally broadcast promos for shows, such as:
Photographer, and Comedian who
began writing and producing songs Married With Children, America's Funniest Home
12 years ago with Jeremy Jordan, star Videos, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Blind Date, and
of the hit movie, “Never Been
many others. He has shot interviews with Jim
Kissed.” Their collaboration brought Carrey, Miley Cyrus, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie
attention to the growing homeless Foxx, and many others.
problem with the heartfelt song,
“Forgotten People.”
Robinson’s collaboration
with Mitchell, “The Goodbye
Song,” is featured in the
new documentary
“Altitude Not Attitude.”
Robinson’s latest song “The
Power of One”, also under
DJ Sharpcut, is a tribute to
the legacy of George Floyd.
It has over 12 million plays in
TikTok videos, and it’s just
getting started.