Page 54 - Poze magazine 58
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                                                                                                            PAINTING. Stella
                                                                               Keep It Simple *
                                                                                                          alternately paints in
                                                                                 Keep It Simple *
         TIM STEINRUCK                                                        Rock Hard *                  oil and watercolor
                                                                              Rock Hard *
                                                                              Transform Lives *
         I’m passionate about music, and people. Other materials including sand, clay,  Transform Lives *
         At age 18, armed with a childhood  paper, plaster, gold leaf as well as objects.
         dream, and a Highschool diploma, I                                   I am also committed to the study of
                                                                                            Take a peek into a day
         joined the rock and roll traveling circus, Painting is a mode of creative expression, human psycho-spirituality and the power
         and toured, and toured, and toured  and the forms are numerous. Drawing,  of discipline and purpose. My journey to
                                                                                             in the life of budding
         some more. Life University.       gesture, composition, narration, or  becoming a certified Accelerated
                                                                                              artist Stella Young,
                                           abstraction, among other aesthetic  Evolution (TM) Success Coach not only
                                                                                            and how she improves
         The School Of Hard Knocks. Yeah, all  modes, may serve to manifest the  transformed my life but also continues to
                                                                                                  her craft
         that, and more. A few years later I  expressive and conceptual intention of  transform the lives of those I serve.
         signed a recording and management  the practitioner.
         deal with Paul Stanley of KISS. Yes,                                 Armed with these priceless life lessons
         Grunge may have cut that dream short,  Paintings can be naturalistic and  and gifts, I stand here now, committed to
         but now that I’d had a taste, there was  representational, photographic, abstract, supporting others to create their legacy,
         no turning back, and again, what I’d  be loaded with narrative content,  as I continue to expand my own.
         learned was priceless.            symbolistic , emotive, or be political in
                                           nature                             “The journey of a thousand miles begins
                                                                              with a single step”
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