Page 14 - Poze Magazine Volume 75
P. 14

Review & Photography:
                                                     Logan Schooley

                                        ELIZA MCLAMB

                Eliza McLamb rose to fame with her viral
                TikTok song "Porn Star Tits". Her debut
                EP, "Salt Circle," was released in 2022.
                Following this, McLamb announced her
                plans for her first full-length album,
                "Going Through It," which was preceded
                with the release of the single "16." This
                album officially dropped on January 19,
                2024. Beyond her musical pursuits,
                McLamb also co-hosts the podcast
                Binchtopia. She has history with
                Washington D.C., having dropped out of                                     Photography:
                George Washington University, which                                      Logan Schooley
                she jokingly mentioned during her set.
                She also has experience working on a
                farm in Kansas, which is where she            Lexi charmed the growing crowd with
                wrote her 2020 TikTok hit.                    cheerful banter, establishing an intimate
                                                              connection with the listeners. Jacob's bass
                 The show was opened by Mini Trees, led       added depth to the melodies; and Mark's
                 by Lexi Vega Koch. With her serene           drumming provided the rhythmic backbone,
                 ambiance and mellow alternative indie        enhancing the overall groove of the
                 pop tunes, she established a relaxed         performance. Overall, the concert exuded a laid-
                 tone for the evening. The band               back, intimate vibe, making it a memorable and
                 effortlessly engaged the audience,           enjoyable experience for all attendees.
                 inviting them to participate in songs like
                 "Never Going Back There," fostering a        The audience showed great enthusiasm for the
                 sense of communal enjoyment.                 opening act, eagerly anticipating the appearance
                                                              of McLamb and her band. From the front rows to
                                                              the back of the venue, attendees sang and
                                                              danced along to the songs, creating an electric
                                                              atmosphere. Remarkably, there were few phones
                                                              in sight, as the audience members remained
                                                              present in the moment. The crowd's courtesy
                                                              was notable, leaving ample space for others to
                                                              sway and join in singing along without feeling

                                             Logan Schooley

                                        Photographer Logan
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