Page 43 - Poze Magazine Volume 75
P. 43


                          U L T R A   S U N N

             You recently signed with
             Artoffact Records ahead of
             your upcoming debut full-
             length album, set to release
             April 19th. Can you describe
             the overall experience of this
             new found connection and
             potential of future projects?‘

             We signed with Artoffact
             shortly after meeting them at
             a festival where we were
             performing. At that time, we
             had decided to release our
             music independently and
             weren't really looking for a
             label. As we talked, we all
             understood that we were on
             the same page, sharing many
             common values. So, it wasn't
             really planned, but we
             concluded that they were
             the best partners to release
             our first album and support
             our musical project in the
             long run.

              POZE MAGAZINE
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