Page 65 - Poze Magazine Volume 75
P. 65

Her single, "Let Me Go", was most added to
              the Top 30 on the Music Row singles chart.
              Barron worked with the executive producer            At that time, her family had never heard
              of Rascel 3 Creative, Jimmy Lynch, on her            of the disease, a common experience with
              music video for "Let Me Go," which played            scleroderma, a rare disease that only
              nationwide on TCN, Music Choice, and GAC.            affects 300,000 Americans. Tragically,
              Released in September 2021, Barron’s self-           Barron lost her mother, Carol Barron, to
              titled album reached over a million streams          scleroderma in October 2020. Her mother
              in the first month.                                  was diagnosed with systemic sclerosis
                                                                   only four months before her death. Now,
                                                                   as Celebrity Ambassador, Barron is
              In December 2022, Barron released an
              original Christmas song, "Walmart Cart               working to represent the organization
              Christmas'', which had more than 300 spins           and increase awareness of scleroderma in
              and was played on 40+ radio stations. During         her performances as she travels
              the summer of 2021, Barron had the                   throughout the country. In 2022, Barron
              opportunity to tour with and open for the            had the privilege of speaking at their
              legendary T. Graham Brown. She has also              leadership conference and sharing her
              opened for other artists, including Dylan            story with major donors and medical
              Scott, Maddie & Tae, Tyler Farr, and Craig           professionals. She is honored to have the
              Campbell.                                            opportunity to work alongside the
                                                                   National Scleroderma Foundation and
                                                                   bring awareness to a disease that doesn’t
              In 2021, the National Scleroderma Foundation
              named recording artist Ashley Barron as their        have a cure yet! In the summer of 2023
              official celebrity ambassador. Barron was            Ashley hit the road with Chad Brock.
              diagnosed with scleroderma at age five.
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